Believe it or not the gentle reader, the crisis that we suffer some joy creates situations for certain individuals. A clear example of what I say can be observed in the cheap, that is, those individuals who make their meanness a way of life. When all is happiness and prosperity to the greedy find it hard to hide. However, in crisis, rampant, but equally they can identify.
The stingy now complaining with the same or more profusely, even with full bank account, that individuals who have difficulty making ends meet. They believe that they do notice that strain, but they see it coming. First lugar porque esbozan una leve sonrisa cuando afirman eso de "es que la cosa está muy mala y no se puede ir tirando el dinero", o aquello otro de "hay que mirar hasta el último céntimo".
En segundo lugar porque lo dicen justo en el momento de ir a pagar. En ese doloroso trance, el avaro saca tímidamente las monedas del bolsillo o mira la cuenta con detenimiento antes de que le dé el aire a su billetera, dependiendo del importe a intentar que pague otro. Durante esa misma situación el no-ruin, pero arruinado, saca la cartera y el exiguo billete para hacer frente a su parte, cuando no para intentar invitar. La diferencia se nota. Cuando no tiene más remedio que hacer frente a la cuenta, al tacaño le entra la prisa. Want to pay and go quickly, like committing a sin and does not want to see or try to forget soon.
But there are degrees of meanness, a custom which, in itself, does not necessarily mean lack of refinement, provided that it is with some stealth and without removing much to walk. The highest degree, as I said, comes out on account of this in the crisis. Knowing the personal economic situation, the mean moves like a fish in water in search of the bargain, the advantage, definitely. Thus, the mean advantage of the situation of the counterparty to make reckless deals with the clear aim of profiting from the weakness in the negotiating position of the other.
I've lived it firsthand. Some think that through a good economic situation is synonymous with bargains to be exploited with relish. Hence it has to bear most offers imaginative have no hesitation in camouflage aid, when in fact nothing more than attempts to take advantage of the rough waters. It is all profit, because if he wins bid is accepted, if not accepted as it is intended only as a favor. Menudo please!.
The greedy, the mean, the mean, not only overcoming the crisis peacefully, but that is enjoying. Very careful with them.