Tuesday, March 29, 2011

If I Have 20,000 Cc's How Many Units Is =

elegance and elegance Mediocrity

In the lines preceding these thinking about how to represent the complex for life in society. There is another side on this issue I can not ignore. This is what they generate, mostly, the complex for the individual who suffers in the first person mediocrity.

I've never heard anyone say that is a mediocre person. Claimed to be a mediocre golfer, some bloggers mediocre or a poor cook, but never mediocre individuals. The reality is that we all know people mediocre. The reason, as would the American philosopher Emerson, is that "every man alone is sincere, hypocrisy appears as shown a second person. "

This clearly and concisely, mediocrity is widespread and accepted in the internal law of many of the things that surround us. As much as the vast majority of the poor is intent on hiding.

why mediocrity is the enemy intimate elegance. For the mediocre looking for support from the herd and the shelter of the acceptance of others. Being smart, however, does not require the continued adoption of other mortals. That's why the complexes are the foundation of mediocrity.

There are two basic types of poor: those who act as mediocre and the poor who feel "special." That is, those try to hide their mediocrity refuge, for example, in some hobby that they believe the envy of the rest of mortals. Thus we see hordes of mediocre "special" fashionistas of suburbs, Korean literature, film, Pakistan or open source operating systems except Linux , disabled by their apparent lack of popularity or rarity.

The poor officiating as such has no such problems, because that goes around the world without taking too much account of his handicap. However, complexes force you to have a mediocre life, not being able to function normally to life and assumes that is what he deserves or has reserved the destination.

But mediocrity has the odd advantage. For if in this life is something that unites rather than hatred is just mediocre. The mediocre are. Birds of a feather flock together. It is the social resentment that allows them to be strong with the rest of its class. That's the only time that the rebels mediocre, not against their condition, but against the society to which he has enthroned.

While the mediocre "special" try to access the normal approaching the rest of the population with pretensions of beings touched by some sort of divine hand. Speak more of the account where the conversation can allow them out. But deep inside the complex are still there and at the end of the day, just ranting with the faithful company of some mediocre unredeemed.
Another advantage of the poor is that their condition is not intractable. Mediocrity, to paraphrase the odd contemporary sage, is an attitude. So you just have to overcome the complex to leave the path of mediocrity.


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