Chronic Indifference about dinosaurs, a guy without a hat and a stray bullet
or day, this Saturday July 10, that Al-lawrence and servant devirtualize to Juanjo, Raquel and Jordi
advantage that passes Pisuerga Valladolid that Asturias is a stone's throw from Castellón, here Dinosaurs were planted three and, of course, we were to meet us. After several messages and phone calls, Al-lawrence and I planted in the Kalatrava, now called mode, which is a mothership full of shops and restaurants to land in Oviedo. How the building is large enough, we called, "Where are you?" "Okay, now climb"
"Cork, Loren, I do not see" "Ah, look at"
And since we are so, instead of saying "hello" or whatever, we were standing in front of them waving hand. The strategy worked because they gave
mentioned. Look
you if it looks like the picture and all kinds of things!
greetings and recognition went to sit at a table nearby for a drink, which eventually fell to the ice cream Raquel, and chat. If I had to summarize in three words what we talked about that afternoon I will say that "is a charm" and, okay, we talked of many and varied topics. Of course that is easy when you feel comfortable. With this in blogs, FB and comments that are left in either place, you get the idea, more or less correct, how will (n) that (s) of person (s). Of course yesterday, Law, and I realized that this internet is sometimes lazy and those who thought they were nice people, nice people are more even. By Jordi part is a Nenin hipermonérrimo, so it is very very cute, and to make matters worse a piece of bread: no complaint, no protest, and if you do it with reason and lasts for 3 seconds, you can take in his arms that he is encantaa, etc. I guess now their parents would say it is not so good, but it gives me that yes it is.
As everything is not forever and the hours pass in the end had to say goodbye. Lawrence had to make a trip (you can push him when he returns to write about it. In fact I think back tomorrow) and had been servant to go to the Semana Negra in Gijón
We carry a very good impression, I hope they also and Asturias you liked and see if some day I quite curious to know the western half. Ladies and baby dinosaurs has been a pleasure to meet you and you are invited to return one day in these parts. :)
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