Friday, December 11, 2009

Letter To Vacate Room

No, oddly enough I have nothing against the letter "b", what happens is that after so much blow and joke, the Italian people and the not-so-Italian, has decided to take up weapons and express their revulsion Il Cavaliere in Berluscony not Day, on 5 December. In the end, as the text did not come on t reduced it to No B-Day , thing, on the other hand, enough practice, because we can translate by No BenedictoXVI Day, Day BAhmadineyad not and other Names beginning with b. It would also be a source of great joy and rejoicing that the B Day No were to become a No B Year and even rushing a little imagination, a No B Life, lest they pass like us, who said he was retiring and still haunts giving tips and recipes grandmother's miraculous.


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