Saturday, October 17, 2009

Flaccid Pebis Blog Spot

The Oscar Peace

Not all disciplines of science, art and culture are covered by the Nobel Prizes. But perhaps the universal prestige enjoyed by the Swedish academy awards, there are international awards that are considered the nobel in its class. For example the Pulitzer Prize is considered the Nobel Journalism and the Prizker becomes the Nobel Architecture.

This trend looks set to be part of the past, since over the last years the Nobel Peace Prize has been granted, too often, more for international media profile of the work for so noble purpose by the recipient of the award. In this way we will have to start calling this year the Swedish distinction Oscar de la Paz, given the propaganda component seems to weigh distinguished significantly between jurors.

when in 1992 I was awarded the prize for Rigoberta Menchú , basically for the publication of a biography, based on discussions with Elisabeth Burgos, who was the one who wrote it, the Norwegian Noble Committee showed his weakness for media events. Shortly after it was found that the so-called autobiography of Menchú was full of "inaccuracies", not to say it was more typical of the novel.

Then came the prize for video of complaint-fiction Al Gore, more like Michael Moore that a U.S. presidential candidate. As readers know, the only inconvenient truth of Gore's film was that, allegedly scientific data, and special effects that were shown on the tape were more fake than Star Wars ships . From Laureate Al Gore crossed the globe in a private plane collecting awards and giving speeches, giving a clear example of what you care about climate change.

But the palm is the leading new media award for the new president of the United States. Barrack Hussein Obama has not even write a book, or to make a film to be worthy of Oscar Peace. Obama only had to do a few press conferences more or less fortunate talking peace, nuclear disarmament and a "new era in international relations," which still do not know what it is. Unless this new euphemism is to certify the impasse of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

From what we can be sure of is how little this man has done in his short term in office to bring peace to the U.S. backyard. I refer specifically to the no Government intervention in the conflict Honduran Obama. Apart from four isolated gestures, the coup in Honduras has not taken or twenty minutes on the agenda of man alleged to have worked harder for peace on our planet over the last year. A great example of this award smacks more of Hollywood blockbuster than the stubborn reality of a world in crisis.


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