Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I Want To Meet Tall Women

Nemat Safavi

Popule meus, quid feci tibi
? Aut in quo contristavi
you? Answer

Mr. Ahmadinejad:

Your government makes me sick, its (a) moral and country disgusts me, as much as I say though, I know that there still good people , is me beginning to REPAT lot. Well, no, better to omit the latest and replaced it with one: you and all the people of medieval mentality, but that, ironically, like to enjoy the technologies and advances of the new world, I would prefer to produce as much aversion wallow in a huge pile of manure rather than have any of you close.

unnerves me sovereignly bastard piece, the amount of lies that is able to get to say before, perhaps, international pressure, for, as we turn around, breaking the promise, again and again.

I'm up to the hilt, even Tolan, of having to walk with the weight of their prejudices, their own and all that bunch of garrulos, anchored to my ankles have to stop every 5 minutes because the wimps are afraid all the different and refuse to accept that the world moves without them. Tired, tired me is having to endure the differences of those owners believe the absolute truth and morality, those who do not understand that love knows no gender, or anything! Nemat

is not alone, and he , or those who love to sneak or
him, nor the clouds , nor the blue sky or he or hope nor utopia

Support Facebook Group Nemat Safavi

Monday, October 19, 2009

Aloha Pos Manuel Online

Today is World Day against breast cancer. I guess it'll be until the very, the importance of having a mammogram for early detection of this cancer
, but as ye are not enough, I will contribute my grain of sand and, incidentally, I culturizar a bit.

The first two links is the only thing that interests me that you read or you do read your wives, daughters, mothers and other women who are about your life.

What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer, like any type of cancer is abnormal cell proliferation and disorderly
, which involves the formation of a tumor or cancer.


are diagnosed in Spain each year 15,000 new cases and now it will lead figures indicating that one of every 16-18 English have breast cancer.

In the age group 45-55 years, breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in women in our country, ahead of lung cancer.

Early detection, when the tumor has not extended or changed, making the cure rate rises to almost 90%.

With all these data, it is obvious the importance of a yearly mammogram after the 45 years (35, in cases of higher risk) and know-how a good self-exploration. The following link explains how.
Other forms of breast cancer are explained here

breast anatomy

The breasts are two protuberances of varying firmness and consistency,
characteristics of women, although some men, certain pathological situations, can have growth
thereof or gynecomastia (not to be confused with adipomastia)

Histologically consists of skin and subcutaneous tissue, adipose tissue (fat), which constitutes 90% and gives way tissue connective and all machinery used for the production and secretion of milk, mammary glands and ducts

The mammary gland consists of two fundamental Elemeno: glandular acini which are milk-producing cells and ducts, a set of " tubes "ramificadoscuyas lights together in increasingly thick tubules ending in one of The 12 to 18 ducts. These ducts have, before entering the nipple, a dilation known as a reservoir or sinus lactiferous sinus lactiferous, beyond the breast, ducts are directed toward the apex of the nipple, where they open the pores or lactiferous lactiferous. Covering part of this web of pipelines, myoepithelial cells are, the function, said roughly, is to "squeeze" the tubes to release the milk.

vascularization and lymphatic drainage

Here I am going to stick, because it is rolling the yarn. Only
remind the importance of tumor spread via the lymphatic system and performing a lymphatic draining function
the results of sentinel node (read the last two paragraphs)

Classification of breast cancer: The

two types primary breast cancer are:

- Ductal carcinoma begins in the ducts that carry milk from the breast to the nipple. Most breast cancers are this type.
- lobular carcinoma starts in the glandular acini.

They are also benign breast tumors such as fibroadenomas and intraductal papillomas. Are abnormal growths, but they are not cancerous and do not spread to other organs breast

There are also other types of breast cancer , if someone wants to delve into the subject, but are less common.

risk factors

- Age and sex: the risk of developing breast cancer increases as you age. Most cases of advanced breast cancer in women over 50 years. Women are 100 times more likely to develop breast cancer than men.

- Family and personal history of breast cancer:

- Genes: The most common gene defects are found in the genes BRCA1 and BRCA2.
These genes normally produce proteins that protect you from cancer.

- menstrual cycle: women who start their periods
early (before age 12) or went through menopause late (after 55) have a risk more

- Childbirth: Women who have never had children or had them only after age 30 have a higher risk of developing breast cancer. Become pregnant more than once or at an early age reduces your risk of breast cancer.

- Hormone therapy: increased risk

- Obesity: The theory is that obese women produce more estrogen, which can
stimulate the development of this cancer.

- Radiation: If you received radiation therapy as a child or young adult to treat cancer
chest area, there is a significantly higher risk of developing breast cancer

- Alcohol: the consumption of more than 1 or 2 glasses of alcohol a day may increase the risk of breast cancer.

Symptoms Early breast cancer usually causes no symptoms, reason why regular breast exams are important. As the cancer grows, symptoms may include:

- Breast lump or lump in the armpit that is hard, has uneven edges, and usually painless.
- Change in size, shape or texture of the breast or nipple.
- Fluid coming from the nipple, which may be bloody or purulent

Men also can develop breast cancer and symptoms include breast lump and pain and breast tenderness.

Symptoms of advanced breast cancer may include:

Bone Pain - Pain or discomfort in the breast
skin sores - Swelling of one arm (next to breast cancer)
- Weight Loss

Treatment Treatment is determined by the size of the tumor and whether it has been spread to the lymph nodes or other areas of the body. Usually, when the tumor is less than 1 centimeter in diameter, surgery is enough to stop cancer and no chemotherapy is needed. However, there are few cases that do not require additional treatment with hormone therapy, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

More information:
here ,
and here.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Flaccid Pebis Blog Spot

The Oscar Peace

Not all disciplines of science, art and culture are covered by the Nobel Prizes. But perhaps the universal prestige enjoyed by the Swedish academy awards, there are international awards that are considered the nobel in its class. For example the Pulitzer Prize is considered the Nobel Journalism and the Prizker becomes the Nobel Architecture.

This trend looks set to be part of the past, since over the last years the Nobel Peace Prize has been granted, too often, more for international media profile of the work for so noble purpose by the recipient of the award. In this way we will have to start calling this year the Swedish distinction Oscar de la Paz, given the propaganda component seems to weigh distinguished significantly between jurors.

when in 1992 I was awarded the prize for Rigoberta Menchú , basically for the publication of a biography, based on discussions with Elisabeth Burgos, who was the one who wrote it, the Norwegian Noble Committee showed his weakness for media events. Shortly after it was found that the so-called autobiography of Menchú was full of "inaccuracies", not to say it was more typical of the novel.

Then came the prize for video of complaint-fiction Al Gore, more like Michael Moore that a U.S. presidential candidate. As readers know, the only inconvenient truth of Gore's film was that, allegedly scientific data, and special effects that were shown on the tape were more fake than Star Wars ships . From Laureate Al Gore crossed the globe in a private plane collecting awards and giving speeches, giving a clear example of what you care about climate change.

But the palm is the leading new media award for the new president of the United States. Barrack Hussein Obama has not even write a book, or to make a film to be worthy of Oscar Peace. Obama only had to do a few press conferences more or less fortunate talking peace, nuclear disarmament and a "new era in international relations," which still do not know what it is. Unless this new euphemism is to certify the impasse of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

From what we can be sure of is how little this man has done in his short term in office to bring peace to the U.S. backyard. I refer specifically to the no Government intervention in the conflict Honduran Obama. Apart from four isolated gestures, the coup in Honduras has not taken or twenty minutes on the agenda of man alleged to have worked harder for peace on our planet over the last year. A great example of this award smacks more of Hollywood blockbuster than the stubborn reality of a world in crisis.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Jordan Almonds Toronto

Get a mammogram Italy clamant and warrior awakens Spes

The award alfano , the mud that covers everything finally going to be cleaned. The sheer layer of dirt shielding Berlusca the beast is gone. What people can let pass a law that makes it immune and, let me say, perhaps invincible, their leader? The basic principles of democracy are becoming weaker, but this is the straw that breaks the camel. I always thought there was something in the water from Italy that is "softened" the brain, how you can support your own leader laugh at you to f *** face, without doing anything about it? (I know, are we speaking) Of course, he kept an ace up his sleeve and when necessary, when the people accused of heresy against their dignity, took it out and showed it triumphant and smiling, with that huge grin burlesque and his characteristic sly.

But now he does not smile. The law of the award got paralyze the 4 criminal proceedings against Berlusconi. Namely

"Mills Case," the premier is accused of bribing with € 410,000 to British lawyer David Mills, to testify in his favor in two other cases to him for tax evasion.

"Case Mediaset: two ghost companies (not ghosts), created by David Mills himself, bought and sold between 1994 and 1999, television and film rights for 470 million euros. At the same time they were sold again and again companies Berusconi front for a higher price, where money is created in black. The prosecution accused the premier of tax fraud and tax evasion.

"Case Mediatrade" Berlusconi is being investigated here acted as a partner secrets of a company that bought TV rights sold to companies and prime minister's own figures that exceeded the market logic. The technique is similar to the previous case and is accused to the tax evasion and misappropriation.

"Case of the Senate" Rome prosecutors accused him of abetting corruption against the center-left senators elected by the people to do down the government of Romano Prodi, when the premier occupied the bench as head of the opposition .

Two of these cases will be reopened , which I think maravillosérrimo, but insufficient. Also, something tells me it does little to serve the country and remain mired in the chaos of bribes and parties. Confused and I hope that for once justice is done, albeit slowly.

["Who save you now?]