Friday, March 7, 2008

Where To Buy Maplestory Itcg

Important before felting:

  • must use a wool shrinkage, primarily because it is precisely felting, shrinking. So look for one that is not mercerized and is 100% wool, alpaca or other fiber shrinkage. In Mexico, a good choice and good price is Dolly and Dolly Sport Tamm, costs about $ 40 a skein of 100 gr.
  • Record all actions and changes, both pre-and post-felting. So you can adapt the method to obtain the desired results.
  • Always test a sample. Different threads are dyed felts differently.
  • Color stability may be altered in very hot water.
  • Any tissue that has been properly felted becomes very dense and matted.

    Instructions for felting:

  • Place the garment in the washing machine. With a low water level, starting the cycle of hot / cold for 5 to 15 min. Add a pair of jeans worn to provide agitation.
  • Add 2 tablespoons baking soda to a smaller load. Then of a cycle, check the size of the garment. Repeat if necessary. Sodium bicarbonate helps to set the color.
  • rinse and spin machine.
  • For more felting, tumble dry at medium temperature / normal until almost dry. Extending
  • felted garment on a dry towel, away from heat or direct sunlight.
    Shaping the garment, as the right steps. Arm yourself with everything: filling, pins, whatever you need to shape your garment.
  • If an edge ripples, passing a red thread through the edge and furrowed. Remove the basting once the garment is dry felted.


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