Sunday, February 3, 2008

Happy Birthday In Egiptian

Stitch Arita

STITCH Arita (hook, I recommend that the rings be 4, 5 or 6 loops can be mounted in multiples of those numbers, but is very flexible.

The case is explained with a base of 5. Ride a 10 channels in the next round, get 10 loops (gets the hook in the chain, pull, put the yarn over hook, pull the loop is approximately 2 cm, so the work is fixed.) Try to keep all the loops on the hook for couple and you are the same size. Once you finish loops around, now gets the hook. Spend 5 loops on hook, (here you start the next round) put thread on the hook and out (yes, you ALL get the thread through the loops) back to the thread on the hook and pulls out a half point. Passes back the hook for those same 5-loops. Repeat 4 times the operation to move the hook for all y tejer al final un medio punto. De esta forma, las 5 lazadas de base las recuperarás con 5 medios puntos, te quedará un arito torcido. Toma los siguientes 5 puntos y haz lo mismo para obtener el aro. Este es el proceso en fotos.

Ojalá te sea útil


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