Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Family Dvd Recommendations

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found in the post from my friend yonseca , brought to beat my boredom I present ...

The jet test!!

1. What time is: 21:07
2. Name: Andrés Belaza, I reserve the second name for any Death Note>. <
3. When is your birthday: April 13
4. Astrological Sign: Aries in the western q in theory it makes me energetic impulsive and foolish. Goat in the Chinese, so in theory q ace me impulsive, friendly, energetic and artist. There are very misguided
^ ^ 5. Tattoos: And risk it?, Not by my initiative.
6. Been in love?: Sip
7. From whom?: What happened?
8. You went to Africa?: Do you have the canary?
9. Loved someone so much as to mourn?: To mourn? of the joy of q oq break your heart?
10. Were in a car crash: No, I'm allergic.
11. Have you had any fractures?: Nope, I'm hard bone
12. Sausages and burgers: Caaaaaarneeeeeee ...... There are more carme Hamburger
13. 2 or 4 car doors?: And not 3 q?? discriminated as being odd??
14. Pepsi or Coke?: No
15. Beer or wine?: None
16. The glass half full or half empty?: Half full, always ^ ^
17. Sex is ...: something intimate
18. Favorite underwear color: White
19. Shoe size: 43
20. Favorite Number: 13
21. Superstitious?: Not too
22. Favourite movie and song: Movie? nose ... song? lonely day, SOAD
23. Flower (s): Any ^ ^ I like all
24. Talking most detested: None, just have issues q
not 25. Disney or Warner Bros?: I do not care
26. Fast Food Restaurant: The home microwave
27. When was your last visit to a hospital?: With a span nearly salmonellosis q, 2 years ago ...
28. Your favorite color: Green and White.
29. Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Entrabajando in a laboratory ....
30. person received your e-mail?:
Yonsy chain 31. Who of your friends live farther away?: Ufff legislative
32. Best: Freedom
33. Bedtime: 23:00 on weekdays and 3:00 am the weekend
34. Who do you think will answer this e-mail more fast?: No?
35. Who do you think will take longer to respond this e-mail?: The mother of the mole
36. Amigos (as) special: Everyone is unique ^ ^
37. Would you change about yourself: uf, q was capable of focusing instead on more than two minutes ... oysters a butterfly .....
38. You have a computer at home: No, I'm writing this by hand ¬ ¬
39. Favorite CD: I have no cd, I'm not that old ....
xD 40. Greatest feeling in the world: Love and anger
sige about 41. The first thought in the morning when you wake up: "I have toilet q"
42. Storms like you or scare you: I love !!!!!
43. If you could be someone who is: I myself
44. Something you have and do not always put it off: The necklaces
45. What's on your bedroom walls: 5 aerial shelves with books, a huge wardrobe, a bed, a desk, a table, a huge table, paintings, drawings, a poster uname body inside a relog without batteries .. .. I think .... and q no ... and a rose
46. What's under your bed? An ecosystem
47. Got dreams?: Not normally
48. Something to the person you send this mail?: Hi, Nobody
49. Name the person who might not answer: Nobody
50. Sure that it responds: Nobody
51. Who I'd like you to answer: Nobody
52. What would you say to someone and do not you?: Uf am unable to keep for the things
53. The best of the world: global awareness
54. Favorite Sport?: Chess (is filed as a sport xD)
55. Shy or outgoing: MMM depends on the situation, and people around me, there are some people that I never loose while having known ace muxo
56. Your nickname: Arkas
57. Q What do you like your gift?: Anything q
clothes is not 58. What do you dislike about yourself: My stubbornness
59. Do you like reading?: I love
60. Speak any language: English, English cut, Frances very short and the dregs of Japanese and Esperanto
61. What is your favorite pastime?: Shrews or leave
62. Beach or mountains?: Mountain
63. Collect anything?: Mites in my room
64. Have a phobia?: Al Mar>. <
65. Your favorite TV show: I know what you did
66. Cold or Heat?: Cold
67. Favorite drink?: Water
68. Eye color: Teal
69. Hair Color: Black Carbon
70. Height: 1.69 and xD models
71. Children: None declared
72. Number of feet: the last time the conte q me were 2
73. Right or left handed: Right
like boys!
74. Short or long hair:
75. Pijillo or rapper:
76. Square or muscled:
77. Good guy or bad:
78. With money or without money:
79. Earring:
80. Freckles or without:
81. With a beard or shave:
82. Do any boy round your thoughts?
83. What is your name?:
84. Normal panties or thong: I do not care ^ ^
85. Painted or unpainted nails: I do not care ^ ^
86. Normal or sports bra: Normal
87. Quiet and mysterious or sexy and wild: Wow, Trankil and Cheerful and friendly mysterious or
88. Pijilla or rap: No
89. Short or long hair: A medium (shoulder
90. Nails long or short: Short.
91. Plump or thin: I do not care
92. Hair up or down: Loose
93. High or low: The same, the jokes I do with my height
94. Curly or straight hair: Straight or wavy
95. Brunette or white skin: I like clear, not albino
96. Freckles or no freckles: Non
97. As a party girl or rather quiet: Fiesta when it's time to normal Trankil
98. Launched or shy: I do not care ^ ^
99. Blonde or brunette?: Q cares?
100. Any girl round your thoughts?: Yep ^ ^
101. What is your name?: Aora
nop 102. How was your first love?: Hard
104. Mousse or gel: Aora food??
105. Vanilla or chocolate: Vanilla
106. Cake or arm?: Cake
107. Silver or gold: Silver, is clearer
108. Have you ever gotten drunk?: Yes, and will be the last time
109. Mobile: Yep, thanks
110. Rain or shine: Llubí
111. Anything that supports?: People
duplex 112. "Waiting for that kiss you?: On the lips
113. "Fair or favorite holiday?: Kualkiera is good
114. "Song you're listening to right now?: The saga begings
115. What do you call your teddy bear to sleep?: Bunny (imagination to power!)
116. How many times suspended the driving test?: I think I will stay half q
117. What exchange of your life: up to 118
concentration. What do you say to the person who sent you this email?: Nobody, you're only
119. Do you prefer dating or roll?: Dating
120. Feeling sad part of your life: Chilling ..
121. Craziest person you know: the new generation MMM
Xaby 123. How long does it take to fix?: Q what it take to get the lenses
124. Where you like to go: Japan and Antarctica
122. What are you looking in the opposite sex?: Understanding and support
125. What season do you like best: spring
126. Would you go to live in another country?: Ugh not unless absolutely necessary
q 127. Who do not you ever fail?: No one failed to ever, (for the account brings els q and if q is a threat do you think, do not hesitate, it is xD)
128. What makes you good?: The people around me or myself ^ ^
129. Best feeling in the world: Empathy
130. The worst feeling in the world: Ira
131. Something they want to say to everyone?: Wolaaaaasssss
132. Favorite book?: Uf
one must be 133. What time is it?: 21:56, 49 min see food being 20 ^ ^ rapidillo

PD. if you believed q iva not to use the friend you are very wrong!! Another Rap
a series ... plays a. .. Transformers

Today I was talking


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