Friday, November 16, 2007

Gay Crusing Areas In Ca

Other Worlds (fee) II

This afternoon I was bored enough ... In my boredom with some friends, including yonseca , I remembered the graceful dance of the blood elves in wow and look for me and made

The comparison is very curious

curious xD there are dances

to buy out some moves xD aki

At least we see that some pieces have not smoked, q are possible to do, but still. The better the Drianiei ..... q taken as a bore to find the images, then you have your prize .... aki

The ro do not eat coconut, or you fight or run, do not you get to dance in the middle of combat ... unless you're a murderer ... Damn murderers>. This world < por que vienen siempre a por el wizard? solo porke hacemos lucecitas tenemos que morir? Ya ni pregunto, asesino que veo, bola de fuego y teletransporte... Comete esa.
if unexplored and full of lights. Either that or me and wrong esque cup to drink ... Should I aver cojido

another pill ....

You know, when in doubt .... BALL OF FIRE (or katon or kamekameha, q Aqaba being the same) ... Q

last you mana!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

When Cooking Lasagna Do We Cover With Tinfoil?


Publicons? q is that? q The name already gives the idea of \u200b\u200badvertising, and that's what he does.
Basically it is an image that you build with the series / companies / games and such that you will like. Type .... ami because I like the wow and I put in my signature. The solution has already come xD.
The site is German but things are understood fairly bn, if not already provais and
^ ^
sigiente The page is:
bn aunq
This takes quite a bit to make one .... are muxas options. Aki ^ ^ you have mine


I'll ^ ^ walking through forums like I do not care ^ ^

Pd. A tribute to YouTube, from the hands of tribute:

For you see, and have not stopped using youtube

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Family Dvd Recommendations

Parida more

found in the post from my friend yonseca , brought to beat my boredom I present ...

The jet test!!

1. What time is: 21:07
2. Name: Andrés Belaza, I reserve the second name for any Death Note>. <
3. When is your birthday: April 13
4. Astrological Sign: Aries in the western q in theory it makes me energetic impulsive and foolish. Goat in the Chinese, so in theory q ace me impulsive, friendly, energetic and artist. There are very misguided
^ ^ 5. Tattoos: And risk it?, Not by my initiative.
6. Been in love?: Sip
7. From whom?: What happened?
8. You went to Africa?: Do you have the canary?
9. Loved someone so much as to mourn?: To mourn? of the joy of q oq break your heart?
10. Were in a car crash: No, I'm allergic.
11. Have you had any fractures?: Nope, I'm hard bone
12. Sausages and burgers: Caaaaaarneeeeeee ...... There are more carme Hamburger
13. 2 or 4 car doors?: And not 3 q?? discriminated as being odd??
14. Pepsi or Coke?: No
15. Beer or wine?: None
16. The glass half full or half empty?: Half full, always ^ ^
17. Sex is ...: something intimate
18. Favorite underwear color: White
19. Shoe size: 43
20. Favorite Number: 13
21. Superstitious?: Not too
22. Favourite movie and song: Movie? nose ... song? lonely day, SOAD
23. Flower (s): Any ^ ^ I like all
24. Talking most detested: None, just have issues q
not 25. Disney or Warner Bros?: I do not care
26. Fast Food Restaurant: The home microwave
27. When was your last visit to a hospital?: With a span nearly salmonellosis q, 2 years ago ...
28. Your favorite color: Green and White.
29. Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Entrabajando in a laboratory ....
30. person received your e-mail?:
Yonsy chain 31. Who of your friends live farther away?: Ufff legislative
32. Best: Freedom
33. Bedtime: 23:00 on weekdays and 3:00 am the weekend
34. Who do you think will answer this e-mail more fast?: No?
35. Who do you think will take longer to respond this e-mail?: The mother of the mole
36. Amigos (as) special: Everyone is unique ^ ^
37. Would you change about yourself: uf, q was capable of focusing instead on more than two minutes ... oysters a butterfly .....
38. You have a computer at home: No, I'm writing this by hand ¬ ¬
39. Favorite CD: I have no cd, I'm not that old ....
xD 40. Greatest feeling in the world: Love and anger
sige about 41. The first thought in the morning when you wake up: "I have toilet q"
42. Storms like you or scare you: I love !!!!!
43. If you could be someone who is: I myself
44. Something you have and do not always put it off: The necklaces
45. What's on your bedroom walls: 5 aerial shelves with books, a huge wardrobe, a bed, a desk, a table, a huge table, paintings, drawings, a poster uname body inside a relog without batteries .. .. I think .... and q no ... and a rose
46. What's under your bed? An ecosystem
47. Got dreams?: Not normally
48. Something to the person you send this mail?: Hi, Nobody
49. Name the person who might not answer: Nobody
50. Sure that it responds: Nobody
51. Who I'd like you to answer: Nobody
52. What would you say to someone and do not you?: Uf am unable to keep for the things
53. The best of the world: global awareness
54. Favorite Sport?: Chess (is filed as a sport xD)
55. Shy or outgoing: MMM depends on the situation, and people around me, there are some people that I never loose while having known ace muxo
56. Your nickname: Arkas
57. Q What do you like your gift?: Anything q
clothes is not 58. What do you dislike about yourself: My stubbornness
59. Do you like reading?: I love
60. Speak any language: English, English cut, Frances very short and the dregs of Japanese and Esperanto
61. What is your favorite pastime?: Shrews or leave
62. Beach or mountains?: Mountain
63. Collect anything?: Mites in my room
64. Have a phobia?: Al Mar>. <
65. Your favorite TV show: I know what you did
66. Cold or Heat?: Cold
67. Favorite drink?: Water
68. Eye color: Teal
69. Hair Color: Black Carbon
70. Height: 1.69 and xD models
71. Children: None declared
72. Number of feet: the last time the conte q me were 2
73. Right or left handed: Right
like boys!
74. Short or long hair:
75. Pijillo or rapper:
76. Square or muscled:
77. Good guy or bad:
78. With money or without money:
79. Earring:
80. Freckles or without:
81. With a beard or shave:
82. Do any boy round your thoughts?
83. What is your name?:
84. Normal panties or thong: I do not care ^ ^
85. Painted or unpainted nails: I do not care ^ ^
86. Normal or sports bra: Normal
87. Quiet and mysterious or sexy and wild: Wow, Trankil and Cheerful and friendly mysterious or
88. Pijilla or rap: No
89. Short or long hair: A medium (shoulder
90. Nails long or short: Short.
91. Plump or thin: I do not care
92. Hair up or down: Loose
93. High or low: The same, the jokes I do with my height
94. Curly or straight hair: Straight or wavy
95. Brunette or white skin: I like clear, not albino
96. Freckles or no freckles: Non
97. As a party girl or rather quiet: Fiesta when it's time to normal Trankil
98. Launched or shy: I do not care ^ ^
99. Blonde or brunette?: Q cares?
100. Any girl round your thoughts?: Yep ^ ^
101. What is your name?: Aora
nop 102. How was your first love?: Hard
104. Mousse or gel: Aora food??
105. Vanilla or chocolate: Vanilla
106. Cake or arm?: Cake
107. Silver or gold: Silver, is clearer
108. Have you ever gotten drunk?: Yes, and will be the last time
109. Mobile: Yep, thanks
110. Rain or shine: Llubí
111. Anything that supports?: People
duplex 112. "Waiting for that kiss you?: On the lips
113. "Fair or favorite holiday?: Kualkiera is good
114. "Song you're listening to right now?: The saga begings
115. What do you call your teddy bear to sleep?: Bunny (imagination to power!)
116. How many times suspended the driving test?: I think I will stay half q
117. What exchange of your life: up to 118
concentration. What do you say to the person who sent you this email?: Nobody, you're only
119. Do you prefer dating or roll?: Dating
120. Feeling sad part of your life: Chilling ..
121. Craziest person you know: the new generation MMM
Xaby 123. How long does it take to fix?: Q what it take to get the lenses
124. Where you like to go: Japan and Antarctica
122. What are you looking in the opposite sex?: Understanding and support
125. What season do you like best: spring
126. Would you go to live in another country?: Ugh not unless absolutely necessary
q 127. Who do not you ever fail?: No one failed to ever, (for the account brings els q and if q is a threat do you think, do not hesitate, it is xD)
128. What makes you good?: The people around me or myself ^ ^
129. Best feeling in the world: Empathy
130. The worst feeling in the world: Ira
131. Something they want to say to everyone?: Wolaaaaasssss
132. Favorite book?: Uf
one must be 133. What time is it?: 21:56, 49 min see food being 20 ^ ^ rapidillo

PD. if you believed q iva not to use the friend you are very wrong!! Another Rap
a series ... plays a. .. Transformers

Today I was talking

Smell Around Mausoleum

Signatures, if this thing gets the forums below

signatures .... if that thing gets to the end of the forums and some are real works of art .... In my case none of mine is so good but aki you have a list of some of that and brought in my travels in forums ..

Yes, I usually get bored at home alone
You want to record something, is the only post in which my friend did not use youtube, and the last ^ ^

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Can You Buy Smaller Radio Antenae On Cars?

Other Worlds (fee) My good friend

largilla Today I initiated a conversation about that call, games Online. O for some, "I'm stuck on the computer and then I socialize from", or also for their deserters, "another way to spend the money." Personally I do not care.

Today a friend has started to talk about the Wow and all started. That if by aki Wow, the Guild Wars over there. Toru aora I am with in my origins. Ragnarok Online. The

Wow, if you know it is in this style (with tune professions):

start testing but not convince me. Lvl very slow, is to pay, the magicians are very bad and too complizacion with races / professions. You only thing you do is stick to Ostia the other side ...

The Guild Wars and not proven yet so I do not speak ... q

And we got to I'm hooked now. Ragnarok (or according to some, q shit graph).
Okay, the graphic is not the best, but? ams so people can play ^ ^. You are free (avierto), with plenty of private server rates varied (some particularly colorful)

Watch a clan war ^ ^ nice

I especially like my character ^ ^ my hight wizzard (my high wizard). That launch fireballs and spells instant and reach the menial acer 12k ^ ^ (a character can have my level 30k life, so no problems q)

enter to hang out, but good ^ ^. Toru bored yesterday and I got to change our look with a monster object. You could see huge monster over there, ghosts, dragons, etc. And you saw us doing toru and my grace in the shape of a ball of gelato and a bunny hopping xD. Then came the bunny he drew the q enemigp 200 times its size and suddenly a lightning storm Zaskar the big boy xD sober. We were very majic hopping ^ ^.

Or as a friend would say: it's free, do not put stick. Agur


Saturday, November 3, 2007

Magellan Roadmate 1200 Voice

Welcome to the first entry "serious", although it can be called anything so what I do but ...

Surfing Youtube is my best friend discovers treasures ... Star Wars Rap

This will discover great mysteries of the world ...

1. Rappers peaceful world, rap war that is giving segir spacecraft and travel interspatial
2. The Empire was not so boring, at least they had music to enliven the atmosphere
3. R2D2 does not speak, is too busy robots CoNEXT its terminal foreign (that sounded evil)

And fashion to make movies based Rap / series / games, more precisely, not short.
Another such is the famous dragon ball

At least let out a Dragon Ball GT and stay with the party making akira. Is a song that summarizes the 250 cap de dragon ball within 2 minutes of song OO now that's able to reduce.

Another is a little sad but hey ...

a Heartless in Kingdom Hearts:

very sad song. Based on the KH2, but that does not speak of the sadness of a broken heart. Q believe that anxiety can not vover to love, or feel.

First of all I love it ^ ^. This letter very carefully worked, aunq you would shoot the Gungan>. <, la voz me daña la cabeza. La segunda es demasiado rapida y la primera hunde, realmente me hunde... Por lo menos yo me recupere, no me hubiera gustado estar asi...

do you think?

Agur, Yogurt! Welcome

Firewire Ethernet Difference


. I had thought about starting a blog sooner or later and desired me to today.
Why? Not directly because I am bored. What I want is a place to vent the world. To say everything goes through me head. Quie I do not care someone wants to hear it or not, but there are things left unsaid erupts a ^ ^.
also post ideas that I go through the head, and demases humor, life has q be savored. Life without humor is just so boring ^ ^
Yonseca Thank you for helping to start and Toru for helping me with the name ^ ^

defend yourself the world!!