Friday, April 9, 2010

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2. Yes, I know that is a title too bland and uninspiring, but not much else I can think of to indicate that this blog is 2 years. You do not even remember why I opened the blog and wrote my first entry a April 9, 2008, and if I'm honest, I do not know where I want to go, but yes, I want keep writing. Maybe it's silly, but at least for me, the fact is a post and learning, both in terms of content, such as training and consolidation of opinions and things that do not yet know what they are good.

have been already two years that I have never come to home on blogs, and others who hope to keep writing without actually cover anything. I read a few people, even more than they ever would have expected, but people of the highest quality: there is a smallish dog to protest everything from a hilarious way to stay at home and leave us to please everyone, a tireless activist most prefer to wait for change fight for him, a journalist and writer or author and journalist who both complain about the Catholic Church makes us suspect that perhaps what you want is to create their own religion and be hailed as a God, a man of insatiable curiosity that every day shows us that the world is full of anecdotes and oddities, and a dinosaur , with its mini-dinosaur, who firmly believes, rightly, that education is the key. They are also mami, a roar of excitement at every entrance and a woman of great character and heart, and daddy (still do not know how I desadopta with the kits that I put in writing), a professor loving word, wanting and not wanting you famous. Poetry at its best. Are and Ivana Lawrence , two friends from choir [okay, Ivana is also high school mate and guitar;)] that laughs and iduras clip, I show that there is still a part of youth is not so uprooted. But I need people. I miss an artist of great ideas , a Saragossa German accent that gives grilled a great time, a king of the Huns has no elephants, but does not care, nor needed, another utopian had a bird that learned to fly, a non-guru know only great things to share, and most people I left in the ink and to whom I apologize.

highly recommend reading their blogs: one learns and enjoys them. The best, something that is not paid with money, you have shown me that conservatism and national-Catholicism is not applicable to anyone who was born during the Franco regime, and that there are parents (and a mother out there) who teach their children that it is best to respect others and that love does not understand the laws of men.

conclude with that which you always start the presentations and thus should have initiated this blog when he started his journey: my name is Carmen, delighted.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

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Seeking God's xplanation

Today a week ago, well, a week and two days, the LHC activated and not only that, he continued in operation after fixing a couple minor Fallin. For those who do not know, because people are not engaged in google search for these things, LHC (large hadron collider and the Large Hadron Collider) is a huge tubarraco 27 \u200b\u200bkm, located 100 meters underground on the Franco-Swiss border . Within two beams of hadron collider, in particular proton energy of 3.5 TeV each, are accelerated in opposite directions until reaching 99.9% of the speed of light, 300,000 km / s, and makes them collide to produce very high energies, but on the subatomic scale, in order to study the events immediately after the Big Bang. We will go back no more and no less than the time between the second 0 to second 1 after creation of the universe ago 13,700 million years. Scrotumtightening is not it?

To give you an idea, or mejoréis the idea that you and you are forming, the magnitude of this pileup, I will say that, for now, the CMS detector is 15 meters high, 15 m wide and 21 m long, weighs 12,500 tons and generates a magnetic field very above the ground. The detectors do not lag behind, although with somewhat more modest. In the end, what we are genuine titans to find the smallest and elemental: what ultimately shapes us. Obviously the fact

starting a machine of its kind, has given rise to a series of speculations on the possibility of more antimatter created the account, strangelets, vacuum bubbles, or black holes that would gobble the land and all of us in seconds. Seeing is the scenario would have been up even desirable, but the fact is that in the end, the LHC will work as intended, or may best, and the scientists were able to approximate the conditions that existed a billionth of a second after the creation of the universe that we played a mini Big-Bang and not full anybody. If all goes well, the physical standby to answer your important questions like: What is the origin of mass? Why matter prevails only when it would be logical that the universe had the same amount of antimatter? What is the origin and nature of dark matter and dark energy, unseen and unknown, but 96% component of the cosmos? Are there new dimensions in the dual space-time? and, most importantly, find Higgs Bosson, or the God particle.

As far as ye are likely to become more lost than Adam on Mother's Day so little word taken from science fiction stories, I say "not Cunico panda" and try to explain a few things. Thanks to Professor Romero and San Google for their invaluable help.

First, we start from the basic concept that all matter consists of atoms and these, in turn, a nucleus with protons and neutrons, and electrons crust. It is apparent that electrons are elementary particles, or, put another way, forms of energy, so we know today are not made by others. For its part, the neutrons and protons, are subatomic particles, ie they are formed by elementary particles, which are called quarks . In particle physics, fermions, which are the quarks, together with leptons are the fundamental constituents of matter and the smaller particles has been identified. There are six types of quarks, which are:

- up (up)
- down (below)
- charm (Enchanted)
- strange (strange)
- top (top) and
- bottom (background).

Various species of quarks are combined specifically. For example, a neutron consists of two down quark (d) and an up quark (u), while a proton comprises two up quark (u) and a down quark (d).

addition of fermions, bosons are also the elementary particles that constitute living matter. The main difference between them is that fermions have half-integer spin and satisfy the Pauli exclusion principle which states that no two fermions with all identical quantum numbers, ie in the same single-particle quantum state. Are fermions, for example, protons, neutrons and electrons. In contrast, bosons have integer spin and do not follow the Pauli exclusion principle. Examples of bosons are the photon, graviton and Higgs boson longed or God particle, around which moves all this colossal research.

a simple way, the Higgs boson is the particle that gives mass to the other. To explain using the simile of a crowded room where, suddenly, comes Angelina Jolie. People would get to it by giving mass. Well, that is what the Higgs boson. To my understanding no physics, the Higgs boson would be the people who come to browse; Angelina Jolie and the particle that gives mass, see, for example, an electron. The importance of this particle is that it is the missing piece in the standard model of particle physics: the last piece of one of the many puzzles that make up our universe and our existence. Paradoxically, and as I said earlier, the greatest use to find the smallest, paradoxically, science "seeks God."

More about:
and here.

The picture that heads the text was taken from